Attorney General Outreach

The regulatory landscape that is emerging requires immediate and ongoing attention by NCBA members. NCBA strongly encourages its members to build and maintain effective relationships with the state Attorneys General.

On April 11, 2011, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Presidential Initiative Working Group of the National Association of Attorneys General announced a Joint Statement of Principles, an outline of eight broad goals to strengthen state and federal collaboration on financial consumer protection as required under Dodd-Frank, including calls for increased information sharing and bolstered joint enforcement and investigation efforts between AGs and the CFPB.

NCBA has continued to proactively engage and meet with key decision makers at the CFPB, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and within Congress in order to develop and strengthen working relationships in Washington. However, as the new financial regulatory environment takes shape it is equally critical for NCBA’s members to continue state-level engagement with the Attorneys General, whose enforcement authority over FDCPA will significantly expand under Dodd-Frank.

NCBA members are strongly encouraged to initiate outreach efforts to their respective AGs. Through general introductory or informational letters, NCBA members have the opportunity to clearly articulate three simple, yet critical points:

Key Points

  • NCBA Background – Identify yourself and NCBA, along with a brief background of the association and your law firm. Example: Founded in 1993, NCBA is a bar association of more than 500 creditors rights law firms located in the United States, Canada, the UK, and EU that engage in the practice of creditors rights law. NCBA member law firms provide legal representation for collection of delinquent accounts for major creditors and debt buyers, student loan servicers, vehicle purchasing finance companies and hospitals, among others.
  • NCBA Presence – Provide the number of NCBA members in the state, including the number of employees at your respective law firms. In addition, describe the impact of the firm’s debt collection activities on the local and state economy, along with other public service activities of the firm or association (financial literacy efforts, etc.).
  • NCBA as a Resource – Offer the services of your law firm or NCBA as resources through information sharing related to the consumer debt collection industry and financial literacy initiatives.

Similar to NCBA’s outreach initiatives to elected officials in Washington, the ultimate goal is to cultivate strong working relationships with state Office of Attorney General to ensure that the issues and concerns of NCBA’s members are being heard at all levels of government.

For more information, contact Nathan Willner, NCBA Government Affairs Officer at or (206) 861-0706.