Every Challenge Brings Opportunity


Liz TerrBy Liz Terry
Executive Director
National Creditors Bar Association

On January 20th, there will be a transition of power with Joe Biden becoming President, Nancy Pelosi reelected as Speaker of the House and Chuck Schumer as the new Senate Majority Leader. This transition has included nail biting election results, most recently with the Georgia Senate run-off races. This transition is happening with much turbulence and emotion for many Americans as witnessed by yesterday’s events.

Despite all the change, NCBA is well prepared and ready to advocate for all of our members. 2020 was a challenging year, but at NCBA, our leadership coalesced with the right people at the right time. Before joining NCBA, I worked in advocacy in my other jobs and I have resided in Washington D.C. for many years. Our President, Mark Groves, proclaimed advocacy as one of his top priorities for 2020 and beyond and he has worked hard to further our efforts. Nathan Willner, who is located just outside Washington D.C., invested a significant amount of his time in 2020 cultivating Congressional relationships and strengthening our collaborative work with other industry leaders and partners, on our behalf. Our advocacy co-chairs, Brit Suttell and Chip Stacy, started planning for our potential new reality more than six months ago. Last, but not least, we made the decision in early 2020 to retain RFA to lead our lobbying efforts knowing their strength was having strong contacts on both sides of the aisle. Bottom line is we are ready to go to work for you to represent our industry in preserving the rights of creditors rights attorneys.

While NCBA hoped to send our first 2021 newsletter with good cheer and optimism, January 6, 2021, did not deliver much cheer. Admittedly, change can be difficult, but I believe with every new challenge brings incredible opportunity. If I have learned anything this past year it is that NCBA Members are hardworking, close-knit, and resilient. I look forward to these opportunities with all of you.

I hope you, and yours, are safe and healthy.